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作者:管理员 时间:2023-04-26 09:30:02 阅读数:303人阅读

Homeland of Chinese Gymnastics---Xiantao



This is a beautiful and fertile land.

This is a brilliant and lustrous land.

This is a vigorous and vital land.

And this is the famous homeland of gymnastics,agriculture and fishery,and culture----Xiantao,China.


Xiantao is located in the Jianghan Plain,bounded to the east by Wuhan,to the south by the Yangtze River and to the north by Hanshui,and facing Jingzhou to the west.Besides,it is the significant member of“1+8”Wuhan Urban Circle.


Xiantao leads to all directions and reaches rivers and seas.No.318 National Highway,Yichang-Huangshi Expressway and Suizhou-Yueyang Expressway run across the whole territory;Beijing-Zhuhai Expressway and Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway join here;and there is only one hour’s driving from Xiantao to the Wuhan Airport,train station and port.


The planning and under-construction Xiantao Passenger Station of Hankou-Yichang Railway,Xiantao Cargo Station of Changjiangbu-Jingmen Railway,Wuhan Urban Circle Inter-city Light Rail and External Loop Expressway contribute to the Xiantao’s traffic advantages and hub status.


With the richness and wealth of the vast plain,the geographical advantage that acting as a center leading to all provinces,and the favorable time when the central China rises,Xiantao is rapidly developing at an unprecedented speed.


All rivers run into sea;greatness lies in the capacity.


Xiantao----An Opening City


Towering mountain refuses no heaped-up earth;vast sea admits all small streams and rivers.


Xiantao is an inland city without large national productivity on the ground and the workable mineral reserves under the ground.It carries out the opening concept of“legality,integrity,efficiency and win-win development”,keeps the whole world in mind,develops with the strategy of reform and opening up,and rises by pioneering and innovating.


Xiantao welcomes guests and merchants with open policy and offers them a beautiful and scenic environment to start business.Xiantao becomes the most vigorous pioneering paradise in the central China and attracts the attention of domestic and overseas investors through its open and favorable environment of strategy,good-quality and high-efficiency environment of service,safe and harmonious environment of public security,ecological and picturesque environment of residence,and the healthy and positive environment of humanism.


Hong Kong C-BONS,Taiwan WANT-WANT,Fujian Qinqin,Beijing Yanjing,Beijing Shenwu,Sino-Canada Science and Technology City,Guangdong NIVEOUS,Taiwan Jianding,Hubei Yihua...and other large group of international and national famous enterprises come in a continuous stream,settle down in Xiantao,and act as a key role to build Xiantao’s new industrialization.



Non-woven cloth material,pharmaceutical chemical engineering,food processing,mechanical electronics,textile clothes and other leading industries have been promoted and accelerated,and developed prosperously.Xiantao has become the national biggest non-woven cloth product processing and exported base,the most vigorous food processing brand capital,and the most potential mechanical electronic production and process base.


The four provincial-level industrial parks of Xiaotao Economic Development,Xiantao High and New Technology Industrial Park,Xiantao Industrial Park,Pengchang Industrial Park,have risen vigorously and realized the goal of prospering Xiantao’s economy.


Adhere to the opening policy and build a prosperous city.With the deepening of reform and opening policy,Xiantao is overcoming obstacles and forging ahead.Its comprehensive economic capacity has joined the front rank of the whole province,and was once listed into the National Top-100 and Top-Ten in Central China,and ranked first in Hubei.


Unity of heaven and man contributes to the harmony and aestheticism.


Xiantao---A Harmonious City


Running water of the Paihu Lake stretches for hundred miles,embodying the essence of the beautiful and scenic water land;the flowing Xianxia River,with pink peaches and green willows setting each other off,contributes to the picturesque landscape of the ecological city.


Mianyang Highroad,Xiantao Highroad,Golden Highroad,and Southern City Highroad have been built successively every ten years.The pioneering history of striving and struggling records the development and changes of the city and witness the prosperity of Xiantao.


With the combination of modern times and history,the co-existence of civilization and harmony and the unity of human and nature,when you enter Xiantao,you will feel as if you were in a pleasant paradise on earth.


The planning and under-construction new district in the southern city covers the first-phase development area of 23.6 km.The ecological layout,organized exploitation and open co-construction will be implemented to the district.A modern industrial new town and garden-style ecological new town will emerge in great splendor.


Through the interaction of industry and agriculture,end-to-end joint of urban and rural areas and the overall development,the construction of Xiantao new countryside is in full swing;the integration of urban and rural areas is being accelerated;the homeland of agriculture and fishery in Hanjiang is taking on a new look and embodying great charm.People praise spontaneously,“indulge in pleasures by sailing on the Paihu Lake everyday;if only we were the Xiantao people!”


Defining a Hero While Warming the Wine

Those People of Exceptional Intelligence Win the World


Xiantao----A Cultural City


Xiantao has a long history and a deep culture deposit.It is one of the significant birthplaces for Jingchu Culture.The culture of history,filial piety and elegance,and gymnastics endow the city with special humanistic characteristics.


Xiantao advocates culture and values education,makes down-to-earth efforts to learn and serves society through practice.In Xiantao,there were 88 civil and military imperial scholars during Ming and Qing dynasties;there had been 72 doctors of law since the foundation of the country.Now,it offers over ten-thousand new students to colleges and universities every year,to make them become the talented persons in various fields.


The beautiful and rich Jianghan Plain has cultivated the Xiantao people’s characteristics of diligence,filial piety and elegance.Filial piety becomes great virtue and elegance builds perfection.The traditional virtue endows Xiantao with the connotation of the times.


The colorful and rich diversified culture has cultivated the Xiantao people’s opening and forgiving personality.They care and cherish enterprises just as they do to their own eyes,and they respect guests and merchants just as they do to their own parents.Wherever you are from,Xiantao is a warm and sweet large family for you.


The running Hanjiang River water has cultivated the Xiantao people’s unremitting self-improvement spirit.They travel all over the world,fight for the world and enjoy great reputation in the world.They create one after another legend of life,and become the most precious wealth and the endless source in the city.


Wisdom Cultivates Hopes Enthusiasm Realizes Dreams


Xiantao----A Vigorous City


Today,in Xiantao,we emancipate the mind,seek for innovation and changes,and pursue transcendence with enthusiasm.The whole city is full of the vigor and vitality of reform and innovation.

Today,in Xiantao,the city is growing stronger and bigger;the buildings are becoming taller and more towering;the investment is being attracted;the whole city is full of the vigor and vitality of youth growth.

Today,in Xiantao,the urban and rural areas are integrated.We give priority to the people’s livelihood and make intensive efforts to build a energy-saving-typed and environmental-friendly-typed society.The whole city is filled with the vigor and vitality of scientific development.

Xiantao is changing,yet its pursuing dreams and striving for the best will never change.


Standing at the new starting point of“Twelfth Five-Year Plan”development,and meeting the new opportunity of the coastal industry’s transition,the central China’s rise,the Wuhan urban circle“Double-Typed”social construction,and the test area of integration of urban and rural areas,Xiantao accepts the challenge and competitions,and assumes the golden dream of making the new round of urban development---to develop into the central city of western Wuhan urban circle,one of top-100 counties and cities of national comprehensive capacity,national“double-typed”social demonstrative city,and national civilized city.


Forge ahead and create brilliant future with firm determination and great ambitions.Xiantao,a city full of infinite vigor,is vigorously advancing towards the future and achieving the resplendence!

